Restaurant Review: Go Zen (near NYU, NYC)

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Another day, another vegan place. Hung out with my vegan friends again so I dragged my self to another vegan place to torture myself. As with past vegan restaurants, I will express not only my opinion of the place, but that of my vegan friends.

In my opinion, this place is symptomatic of all vegan places; it was tasteless, bland, and a poor imitation of what food should taste like. What’s amazing to me is that the things I ordered are served in non-vegan places, things like crispy rolls and Kao Fu (marinated gluten) and this place just does it shittier. The original recipe called for no meat, yet because it was produced in a vegan place, the quality of taste drops immensely. I just don’t understand it. It’s like if it tastes good, then it’s not truly vegan. I’m starting to think that this blandness is the exact kind of taste that vegans look for.

In the opinion of my vegan friends, the place was great. They specifically like the sesame seitan.

Score: 2/10 Vegan food depresses me.

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