Movie Review: 21 Jump Street

Details: Released in 2012. Under two hours long. Stars Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum.

21 Jump Street is a movie based off the television show of the same name that aired decades ago. It was premised on undercover cops posing as youths to stop youth crime. The movie has the same concept.

Where the television show took itself very seriously, this film doesn’t. It’s a comedy that is very self-aware by how ridiculous the concept of adult cops posing as high school kids is and comes close to breaking the fourth wall in regards to Hollywood’s lack of creativity and love of remakes.

There were many jokes that fell flat for me, but there were just as many that worked. What was really surprising to me was the chemistry between Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. The two work well with each other and have surprisingly hilarious chemistry. The rest of the cast is pretty good as well. There were also a good couple of cameos that surprised me.

Overall, it’s a fun, silly, self-aware movie where the only thing that this film has in common with the television show is the title.

Score: 6.5/10

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