Movie Review: The Fate of the Furious

Details: Released in 2017. A little under two hours and twenty minutes long. Stars Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson.

I don’t know what it is about this movie, but I didn’t enjoy it. It’s surprising because I enjoy over the top action. I loved John Wick, and while this is about cars, not gun play, I found this movie really dull. I found myself wanting to just speed over the story parts and going straight to the action scenes. This movie did not need to be over two hours long.

The movie is about Vin Diesel’s character finding out something and getting blackmailed by a cyber terrorist played by Charlize Theron to  betray the team. The story doesn’t really matter though. This film is all about the action.

And I think that’s what turned me off. I enjoyed the action, the explosions, and the cars, but the story was just so contradictory, even for a Fast and the Furious movie. They outright ignore the events of a past movie and make friends with Jason Statham’s character, which is ridiculous considering what happened in the prior films. I like that they brought in some new faces and some cameos, but it just made the story that much ridiculous. While the action scenes were all right, I was expecting more. I think the action scene in New York City was the best one.

Anyways, if you like action, explosions and cars, you’re probably going to enjoy this movie. For some reason, I did not and walked out of the movie disappointed. I think that after eight movies, I expected more. I admit that may be a little unrealistic.

Score: 5.8/10

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