Comic Book Review: All Star Batman (2016) #1

Oh, thank heavens. Scott Snyder is writing Batman again. After his run on Batman ended I was left adrift on what American comic books could fill the void left by one of the greatest, if not the greatest run on a Batman comic book that there has ever been. Snyder and Capullo’s run on Batman was so good, it literally made me lose interest in almost every other book on the shelf because they simply could not match the quality Snyder and Capullo were putting out.

And while Snyder has returned to write a character he has proven to hold a deep understanding of, Capullo has unfortunately not returned with him. I suppose I will just have to accept John Romita Jr.– one of the most respected and desired comic book artists out there– as a consolation prize. Suffice it to say the art is good.

This first books jumps right into the action. Batman is taking Two-Face somewhere that might potentially rid Harvey Dent of his dangerous alter ego. Unfortunately, Two-Face has put out the word that whoever stops Batman will be paid an enormous reward, prompting both villains and civilians to try and kill Batman as he tries to get Two-Face to his destination. It’s been fun so far, but Snyder hints at some reveals that will affect the history of Batman and his relationship with Alfred.

Personally, I am excited to see Snyder take on the character of Two-Face. Besides Joker, Two-Face is arguably Batman’s most dangerous villain and I am eager to see Snyder’s insight into the Batman universe applied to this character.

In addition to the Two-Face story, there is also a side story involving Batman’s new ally, Duke. He is undoubtedly not Robin, and the story goes into figuring out what kind of hero he will be. It was a surprisingly compelling side story and I’m eager to see more of Duke and Zsasz.

Score: 7.1/10 A fun, action packed start to a promising Batman story.

Manga and Anime Review: Kingdom

The last time I was this obsessed with an anime/manga, it was One Piece ( Anyways, let’s go over the manga first before touching on the anime.

Kingdom isn’t radically different from various properties that have come before. Names like Braveheart, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, and any other medieval/war property you can think of pretty much prepare you for what this is about.

The Premise.

Kingdom takes place during the Warring States period in ancient China; the seven states of China are locked in a constant state of war. We are introduced to Xin and Piao (Piao is pronounced Hyou in Japanese), two child-slaves who wish to become the greatest generals under the heavens. Through happenstance, they meet someone with ties to the royal capital and we see a former slave try to work his way from the bottom rung of the military to the top.

It’s fun wandering through history.

There are many aspects of this title which drew me in. Firstly, the history. China’s warring states period is a lot like feudal Japan or the wild west in that it’s an often revisited and romanticized setting for fiction. Like in many other properties, Kingdom use of famous figures (e.g. the first emperor of China, famous generals, etc.) lends it some authenticity and intrigue. In my case, whenever a new character is introduced I would hurriedly go search the character on the internet to see if it was a real person. It’s a lot of fun reading about the real history of a character and trying to predict what the author is actually going to do with the character. It should be noted that the author takes extreme creative license with history, but I feel that that is a positive and adds the entertainment of the story.

Further, reading through Kingdom actually makes me feel like I’m learning something. I’ve never really had that much in interest in Chinese history, but after reading this I can say I’ve gained a great curiosity for it. Things like the politics and relationships between states in that period as well as the military tactics employed at that time. With that said, I’m sure many parts of Kingdom are fictionalized since the author took such creative license. Still entertaining though.

The battles are the best part, along with the art.

The battles are brutal here. Stabbed in the throat, cleaved in half, decapitated, eyes knocked out of the head, heads crushed, it is all drawn in impressive, brutal detail. I remember the first time I saw Braveheart ( uncensored. The sights and sounds of men dying had never been portrayed so brutally. It was an impressive cinematic feat. The same is true for Kingdom. The violence is brutal and only adds to the visceral nature of the manga.

The character design is also… interesting. Sometimes it leads something to be desired. Other times, it perfectly portrays how large and frightening some of the characters are. These great generals are meant to be larger than life, and the art perfectly portrays that.

The story isn’t bad, but it is a war story so it is mostly action anyways.

As for the parts that are not related to warfare, they are surprisingly inspired by actual historical records. The part involving harems and affairs and the King’s origins, all of that was actually part of the historical record where all this comes from (the Shiji). I’d like to give the author credit, but he merely elaborated and embellished a little what was actually written. Once again, real life can be stranger than fiction… or at least inspire fiction.

In regards to the action parts, they are amazing. My favorite types of story is the one where an individual stands against overwhelming odds and overcomes them. There are many such stories here. The protagonist, Xin, is a looked down upon former slave. Over and over again he must overcome obstacles in order to realize his dream of being a great general. It’s awe inspiring at times and there were many times where I choked up watching him stand against overwhelming odds.

And… the anime, sigh.

All that needs to be said about the anime is that the first season is pretty crap. It is only appealing if you like bad looking computer generated images. In the second season however, the producers probably realized how nasty the computer generated models looked and went back to hand drawn models. Computer generated art is only used in the background while hand drawn art is used in the foreground, where the viewers’ attention is centered. It works a lot better and, as a result, the second season is infinitely more watchable. Accordingly, I hated season one because of the art, enjoyed season two somewhat, and am curious about the upcoming season three. A lot of the violence is also censored in the anime, which sucks since the violence of war is a big part of this story.

In conclusion:

 Watching the anime is unecessary. READ THE MANGA. Kingdom is currently my favorite manga right now. There is no other manga out there right now which I have enjoyed as much as this. The only people I would not recommend it to are people who are squeamish and hate action.

Score: 9/10 This score only applies to the manga. The anime gets a 3.4/10.

Comic Book Review: Batman #50 (2016)

Official site:

It’s been a long road with Snyder and Capullo, and it seems to be nearing it’s end. For the better part of five years, Snyder and Capullo have been telling the best Batman stories to date, at least in my opinion.

Issue #50 is the penultimate issue for Snyder and Capullo’s run on Batman and a tear certainly formed in my eyes when I thought about their run ending. Over the years, I’ve read many comic books, but right now, there is no comic book on the shelves more important to me than Batman and that is because of the efforts of Snyder and Capullo. When they leave, I may just stop reading Batman altogether.

Well, enough about the past and let’s get to the issue at hand. Issue #50 ends the current “Superheavy” story and returns Bruce Wayne as Batman. What I love about Snyder’s characterization of Batman is that Batman is a beacon of light in a dark city. He inspires the people of Gotham to be better. In prior incarnations, Batman becomes one with the darkness to as to fight those who utilize that same darkness. Snyder instead goes the other direction. Batman represents the faith that Bruce has in the city and his belief that people will do the right thing.

Some additional notes:

Batman’s new costume isn’t all that different, just a little gold thrown in.

I like that it’s hinted that Jim Gordon has always known Batman’s true identity, he just ignores it.

I like how the city of Gotham saves itself in a way because Batman inspires them to do so.

I love any discussion about Gotham, such as the conversation between Bruce and Gordon near the end. Gotham truly is a character in and of itself and Snyder understands that.

Score: 8/10 Parting is such sweet sorrow. The preview for the next issue is that there aren’t really any big story beats, just a side story as a goodbye from Snyder and Capullo. The Batman universe will miss you guys.

Comic Book Review: Secret Wars #9 (2016)

Link to the Marvel page:

Secret Wars #9 concludes Marvel’s most recent universe spanning miniseries and it was great.

This is largely due to Hickman’s interpretation of the Fantastic Four. I’ve written about this in a prior blog post, but Hickman shows he truly understands the core of what makes the Fantastic Four appealing: that balance between cosmic science fiction and the intimacy of familial relationships.

Secret Wars #9 — as does much of the whole series —  focuses on these two themes. The final climactic showdown occurs with all of the most powerful aspects of the Marvel universe clashing together. Piercing it all is the final battle between Reed Richards and Doctor Doom. It’s another look into their relationship; two rivals/brothers striving for a better world and pursuing it in different ways. One method being kinder while the other is ruthless.

The ending panels explain perfectly why I love the Fantastic Four and what they represent to me. I only hope Marvel is putting together another comic book series and not trying to screw Fox (who holds the Fantastic Four movie rights) by shutting down the Fantastic Four down forever.

Score: 8.2/10

Comic Book Review: Doctor Strange #1 (2015)

I love Bachalo’s art. I’ve loved it since the Ultimate X-Men vs. the Ultimates crossover. So when I hear he is drawing a book, I am already sold. I am happy to report that this books is everything I wanted it to be, in terms of art and in terms of story.

This book is a true relaunch of the Doctor Strange character. Historically, Doctor Strange was the foremost authority of all things mystical in the Marvel Universe. His character was akin to that of Doctor Fate in the DC Comics universe. That is, Doctor Strange was a bookish, old sage of a man, a magical wizard kind of like Gandalf or Merlin. He was someone you would consult with when world ending magics were at hand.

This current incarnation of Doctor Strange is something different. He’s kind of a hipster doctor who makes house calls. The tone of the character reminds me heavily of Constantine, kind of an off color, cool dude. Doctor strange now wears a scarf not because he’s cold, but because it’s fashionable. Doctor Strange now likes hanging out in a bar versus a library. Doctor Strange also likes kissing chicks, demon chicks, but still chicks. Doctor Strange also likes fighting with swords and battle axes.

It’s an interesting take on the character and does a lot to bring him further down to earth and far more digestible for main stream audiences. It suggests a lot about what Marvel plans to do in the upcoming Doctor Strange movie. If this is the direction the film will take, I approve.

Score: 8.2/10 An interesting relaunch that keeps somethings, but changes a lot and explores a character many might not be familiar with. Bachalo’s art is great as always. A great read that I would consider buying when it comes out in trade paperback.

Comic Book Review: Secret Wars #6 (2015)

Secret Wars is great. It’s Marvel’s great comic book event this year and, thankfully, it is really great. Hickman has often times written long winded, overly complex stories and this time, I am happy to say he has not done so.

The story here has many moving parts, but all parts feel essential to the eventual conclusion. The story moves along and each plot line has just enough to keep the story moving without going into the superfluous monologues I’ve come to expect from Hickman.

Fun moments abound, from a conversation between Reed’s, the current state of the relationship between Black Panther and Namor, and the discovery of what happened to the Fantastic Four in Doom’s Battleworld. It’s all interesting developments and interesting takes on the characters.

Which leads me to the saddest bit of this book: the Fantastic Four. Most prominent in this book is the Fantastic Four’s involvement in the story. They are essential. It is my greatest fear that this will be the last Fantastic Four story, that this will be Reed’s last story. I sincerely hope that is not the case because, while I have not enjoyed most of the Fantastic Four stories, I have enjoyed Hickman’s run. It embodies what is great about the Fantastic Four: family and fantastic science fiction. Reading through Secret Wars one cannot help but feel that this is Reed Richard’s last stand. His ultimate defeat comes not from Doom, but from Disney/Marvel and their desire for money (in case you are unaware, there are rumors that Marvel is ending the Fantastic Four comic books, not for narrative reasons, but because they cannot reacquire the rights to the films and they no longer want to promote the property).

Score: 8.0/10 While many characters from the Marvel universe are present, this is a Fantastic Four story to me and it is a great one.

Comic Book Review: Invincible Iron Man #1 (2015)

Marvel Comics has destroyed and re-birthed a new Marvel universe for its comics line and the Invincible Iron Man is its part of the vanguard of new comics introducing readers to this new world.

It’s a fun issue, but incredibly rehashed. Tony makes a new armor. He is still rich. He meets a girl. And goes looking for some bad guys. The most interesting part of the issue is what he finds in Latveria and how that might relate to how the ongoing Secret Wars comic is going to end.

It’s clear from reading this that Marvel/Disney want the comic to resemble and support the movies more since the movies are the big money makers nowadays.

Score: 6.5/10 Fun, but nothing new. Iron Man is currently the most recognizable and popular property Marvel has and, while amusing, Marvel has taken no risks or new directions with the relaunch of this character.

Comic Book Review: Batman (2011) #42

Details: Official site is

Another issue of Batman, another issue of a must-buy comic. While I love this series and will of course continue reading, this was a good, not great issue. This was more of a continuation of Act 1; it continued to build upon this new world and this new Batman.

The message clearly expressed in this issue is one meant for fans as well as the narrative. That message is this: this Batman is his own Batman. If Jim Gordon is going to succeed as the new Batman, he must stop trying to emulate what he and the rest of Gotham thought Batman/Bruce Wayne represented and try to be his own man, represent his own ideals, and use his own methods. It’s very similar to what fans learned from the Dick Grayson-Batman. When Dick Grayson took over as Batman, fans were originally dismayed. We saw this happen before in the Knightfall story arc to an underwhelming degree. However, we were all pleasantly surprised to see that Grayson was a perfectly competent Batman. In fact, he was a great Batman and better in many ways. He wasn’t so dark, or brooding, or as brilliant as Bruce, but he did bring a youthfulness and optimism that Bruce lacked. Now, with Jim Gordon taking over, Snyder and Capullo seem to be telling us to brace ourselves again for a new Batman and that this might be not just good, but better than Bruce. Bruce may inevitably return, but for now we should enjoy the ride and figure out what Jim Gordon can offer.

Speaking of Bruce Wayne, Snyder just went in headfirst and let readers know that of course Bruce isn’t dead. He isn’t wearing the cowl, but he isn’t dead and he will almost inevitably return as Batman. I like that Bruce makes his appearance so early into this arc because it tells me and other readers that Bruce will return. Until then, I’m just going to chill out and enjoy the ride. Jim Gordon is Batman for the near future. Let’s see what he can do.

Score: 7/10

Comic Book Review: Batman (2011) #40

Details: Official site is

Again Snyder and Capullo, you do this to us. We, the readers, love what you’ve done with Batman. The introductions to new characters, the retelling of Batman mythos, the twists and surprises, you frighten and delight us. And now, you’ve given us one more thing: an ending.

Batman’s current story arc comes to a conclusion as Batman engages in the climactic final battle with the Joker. And just as you would expect, it comes with some twists and turns.

While the primary plot point/conclusion brought by this issue is somewhat predictable given the progression of events in the prior issues, it is the way this ending is brought about that deserves praise. The highlight of this issue — and really the whole arc — is the final fight between Batman and the Joker. Its bloody, violent, dirty, and desperate. But more than the actions taken, the words they exchange hold even greater importance. Snyder once again defines his Batman and Batman’s relationship to the Joker, giving a definitive interpretation on decades of Batman’s history and mythos. It is an amazing end to an amazing arc, which really started all the way back in the Death of the Family arc a while ago.

Score: 9.5/10 As exciting as this ending is, I’m even more excited for the new beginnings hinted at in the solicitations for Batman #41. In my opinion, this is the best comic book being released right now. There were other comics released this week (like the Avengers books) but the other books were boring to read in comparison to the hype and love this book brings me. As far as I’m concerned, Snyder and Capullo can do no wrong and I will continue to read Batman as long as they continue to write and draw it.


I was a little disappointed Alfred got to keep his hand. When things like that happen, I want them to occur with some permanence or else it is a meaningless act. I mean Thor lost his arm and then go t a cyborg arm. Oh well, I kind of knew it wouldn’t stay cut off. Minor gripe over.

Comic Book Review: Batman (2011) #39

Details: Published by DC Comics. Official site is

Mannnnn I have loved Snyder and Capullo’s run on Batman. I have freakin’ loved it. Arguably the best Batman run yet. And that is an amazing thing. Because when his run started, so many great Batman stories had already been told like Batman RIP and when Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne took over as Batman and Robin. It seems that no matter how much time passes, the Batman book surpasses all expectations and continues to deliver exciting, enrapturing stories. Batman is without a doubt the comic book I look forward to most each month.


While still very good, this issue is likely the weakest one in the current story arc, which is saying a lot considering how much I loved it.

Short synopsis of the current story arc: Joker has returned yet again to attack Batman and Gotham and nothing is held back this time. Joker knows Batman is Bruce Wayne and he goes to the cave. And then he fucking cuts off Alfred’s FUCKING HAND. Thank goodness Alfred survives. Then Joker goes on to have a parade and Batman and gang attack to try to get the chemical from Joker’s spine in order to synthesize an antidote to the poison Joker used on the city.

Lots of fun in this issue as in the prior issues, such as watching the bat gang and the rogues gallery team up to fight the joker-ized city. As much fun as it is, the Joker continues to be a force of nature thanks to Capullo’s art. Snyder’s writing is also up to snuff as you can begin to feel Batman’s desperation as he tries to combat this new and more dangerous Joker.

Score: 8/10 Love this book. Only thing I need to read each month. Go get it. If you haven’t read the last thirty-eight issues, go get those, too.