Comic Book Review: Doctor Strange #1 (2015)

I love Bachalo’s art. I’ve loved it since the Ultimate X-Men vs. the Ultimates crossover. So when I hear he is drawing a book, I am already sold. I am happy to report that this books is everything I wanted it to be, in terms of art and in terms of story.

This book is a true relaunch of the Doctor Strange character. Historically, Doctor Strange was the foremost authority of all things mystical in the Marvel Universe. His character was akin to that of Doctor Fate in the DC Comics universe. That is, Doctor Strange was a bookish, old sage of a man, a magical wizard kind of like Gandalf or Merlin. He was someone you would consult with when world ending magics were at hand.

This current incarnation of Doctor Strange is something different. He’s kind of a hipster doctor who makes house calls. The tone of the character reminds me heavily of Constantine, kind of an off color, cool dude. Doctor strange now wears a scarf not because he’s cold, but because it’s fashionable. Doctor Strange now likes hanging out in a bar versus a library. Doctor Strange also likes kissing chicks, demon chicks, but still chicks. Doctor Strange also likes fighting with swords and battle axes.

It’s an interesting take on the character and does a lot to bring him further down to earth and far more digestible for main stream audiences. It suggests a lot about what Marvel plans to do in the upcoming Doctor Strange movie. If this is the direction the film will take, I approve.

Score: 8.2/10 An interesting relaunch that keeps somethings, but changes a lot and explores a character many might not be familiar with. Bachalo’s art is great as always. A great read that I would consider buying when it comes out in trade paperback.

Comic Book Review: Invincible Iron Man #1 (2015)

Marvel Comics has destroyed and re-birthed a new Marvel universe for its comics line and the Invincible Iron Man is its part of the vanguard of new comics introducing readers to this new world.

It’s a fun issue, but incredibly rehashed. Tony makes a new armor. He is still rich. He meets a girl. And goes looking for some bad guys. The most interesting part of the issue is what he finds in Latveria and how that might relate to how the ongoing Secret Wars comic is going to end.

It’s clear from reading this that Marvel/Disney want the comic to resemble and support the movies more since the movies are the big money makers nowadays.

Score: 6.5/10 Fun, but nothing new. Iron Man is currently the most recognizable and popular property Marvel has and, while amusing, Marvel has taken no risks or new directions with the relaunch of this character.

Restaurant Review: Lucky Cat (upper east side, NYC)

Wandered around last night with a group of ten and looking for ramen on the upper east side. Totto was full. Hide ramen upstairs was also full. Luckily we found Lucky Cat.

It was late so they had the room for us. It’s a satisfactory, if simple space.

Service was okay.

Prices were all right. Around ten bucks for plates. Skewers were around two to three bucks a piece.

We ordered a lot. We had one of their shabu shabu dishes (mountain of meat cooked in soup right at the table), some pork belly skewers, yakisoba (stir fry noodles), most of their varieties of soup ramen, and the pork belly tacos.

It was all right. Not everything was that good. I don’t recommend the Yakisoba. Ramen… is self explanatory. I place it in the same category of food as Mexican food, Italian food, curry, etc. It’s good when you want it, but it’s not complex and there isn’t a higher degree of satisfaction you can derive from such a simple dish. Pork belly tacos were pretty good, too.

Score: 6.5 Pretty good. Not everything on the menu is great. I’d stick with ramen and skewers.

Offical site:

Anime Review: Charlotte (2015)

Charlotte is about a narcissistic high school student who finds that he has the power to possess other people. He initially uses this for selfish purposes, but is caught, recruited, and transfers to another school specifically made to enroll student with powers.

It’s a funny show at first, but gets very serious and emotional near the end. The characters are your stereotypical anime high school fare and the superpowers are familiar and reminiscent of Western comic books or superhero movies.

Animation quality is great.

The portrayal of English is weird, but this is from a native English speaker. If I didn’t speak English it would be just fine.

Score: 6.7/10 It’s thirteen episode long.

Comic Book Review: Batman (2011) #42

Details: Official site is

Another issue of Batman, another issue of a must-buy comic. While I love this series and will of course continue reading, this was a good, not great issue. This was more of a continuation of Act 1; it continued to build upon this new world and this new Batman.

The message clearly expressed in this issue is one meant for fans as well as the narrative. That message is this: this Batman is his own Batman. If Jim Gordon is going to succeed as the new Batman, he must stop trying to emulate what he and the rest of Gotham thought Batman/Bruce Wayne represented and try to be his own man, represent his own ideals, and use his own methods. It’s very similar to what fans learned from the Dick Grayson-Batman. When Dick Grayson took over as Batman, fans were originally dismayed. We saw this happen before in the Knightfall story arc to an underwhelming degree. However, we were all pleasantly surprised to see that Grayson was a perfectly competent Batman. In fact, he was a great Batman and better in many ways. He wasn’t so dark, or brooding, or as brilliant as Bruce, but he did bring a youthfulness and optimism that Bruce lacked. Now, with Jim Gordon taking over, Snyder and Capullo seem to be telling us to brace ourselves again for a new Batman and that this might be not just good, but better than Bruce. Bruce may inevitably return, but for now we should enjoy the ride and figure out what Jim Gordon can offer.

Speaking of Bruce Wayne, Snyder just went in headfirst and let readers know that of course Bruce isn’t dead. He isn’t wearing the cowl, but he isn’t dead and he will almost inevitably return as Batman. I like that Bruce makes his appearance so early into this arc because it tells me and other readers that Bruce will return. Until then, I’m just going to chill out and enjoy the ride. Jim Gordon is Batman for the near future. Let’s see what he can do.

Score: 7/10