TV Show Review: Rick and Morty, Season 3

Details: Aired in 2017 on Cartoon Network. Season three has ten episode that are each around twenty-two minutes long.

While season three is mostly more of the same, this season does succeed at being darker, have better production values, and is more action packed than either of the prior two seasons.

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TV Show Review: Samurai Jack, Season 5

Details: Aired on Cartoon Network. Ten episodes this season at about thirty minutes per episode, including commercials.

After at least ten years, Samurai Jack has finally ended. With shows that have been around this long, there are a lot of memories associated with this series as well as nostalgia. Ultimately, I think they did the ending right, though it did feel a little rushed.

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Movie Review: Teen Titans: The Judas Contract

Details: Released in 2017. About an hour and a half long.

Teen Titans: The Judas Contract is the latest DC Comics Animation movie to come out. It’s about the Teen Titans, a group of teenage superheroes and their enemies Brother Blood and Deathstroke.

I mostly didn’t enjoy it. It was cringy, corny, and hard to watch at many points. Some of it was okay. Kevin Smith guest stars near the end. I still did not enjoy. I can’t even recommend this movie to kids. It makes subtle to overt comments on sex which may make some parents wary to let young kids watch it. If you’re okay with that, then let your kids watch it.

Overall, skip it unless you are desperate to watch an animated superhero movie.

Score: 5/10

TV Show Review: Rick and Morty, All Episodes Including Season 1, 2, and Season 3, Episode 1, “The Rickshaw Redemption”

Details: Airs on Cartoon Network. Each episode is about twenty-two minutes long. Each season has about eleven episodes.

On April 1, I was looking forward to watching the newest episode of Samurai Jack. I’m a long time Samurai Jack fan. To my surprise and to the surprise of viewers everywhere, the newest episode of Rick and Morty aired instead of Samurai Jack. I’ve never watched Rick and Morty before, but I’ve heard good things. I didn’t watch the episode that night and, instead, binge watched the first two seasons of Rick and Morty before eventually watching the newest episode, “The Rickshaw Redemption.”

Continue reading “TV Show Review: Rick and Morty, All Episodes Including Season 1, 2, and Season 3, Episode 1, “The Rickshaw Redemption””

Movie Review: Justice League Dark

Details: Released in 2017. About an hour and fifteen minutes long. Stars Matt Ryan, Camilla Luddington, Jason O’Mara.

Justice League Dark is the latest in DC Comics series of animated movies based on their comic books. In this movie, the Justice League discovers that something is causing common citizens to lose their minds and commit atrocities. After learning that the threat is magical in nature, Batman goes off to find magic users capable of combating this evil.

It’s a new story and will likely appeal to a few kinds of people. Firstly, if you were a fan of Batman: The Animated Series, then you may enjoy this. It’s not Kevin Conroy voicing Batman nor is the story of the quality of a Bruce Timm animated series, but it’s not bad and is the best quality DC Comics based animated movie out right now.

Secondly, if you were a fan of the short-lived Constantine television show that was canceled a while back, you’d be happy to know that the voice actor for John Constantine is none other than Matt Ryan. It’s a nice chance to see him relive the role again (I also saw him guest star on an episode of Arrow a while back, if you’re interested). Camilla Luddington also voices Zatanna if you’re a fan of hers.

Lastly, it’s a chance to see some of the more magical elements of the DC Comics universe make an appearance. If you’re a fan of Etrigan, Constantine, Zatanna, Boston Brand, Swamp Thing, and the Justice League, then this may be worth a watch for you.

Overall, it’s an okay story that was just short enough to keep my attention. If the above appoints interest you, then you may enjoy the movie. Otherwise, you probably should skip this film.

Score: 5/10

Movie Review: Sausage Party

Details: About an hour and a half long. Came out in 2016. Stars Seth Rogan and Kristen Wiig.

What the fuck did I just watch. I don’t think I hated the movie, but I certainly did not love it.

The premise is this: all the food in this supermarket is sentient and worship humans like gods. The food eventually learn the truth that humans kill and eat all the food at the supermarket and they must stand together to face the threat of the humans.

It’s a trippy story with lots of racial and sexual jokes. This is definitely an R rated movie that is not for kids. I didn’t really enjoy it. It’s just too far out there. The jokes also kind of fell flat for me.

Score: 3.5/10 I applaud the movie studio that approved the financing for this movie, but it was just too weird for me.

TV Show Review: Teen Titans Go! (2013)

Details: Currently airs on Cartoon Network. In its third season and is ongoing.

I was in the mood for some lighthearted entertainment and decided to give the cartoon Teen Titans Go! a shot. After watching an episode… I then watched all the episodes in Season 1. After watching all these episodes, I can safely say that Teen Titans Go! is… perfect. It is a perfect, hilarious, lighthearted cartoon and does everything a good cartoon should.

When thinking about Teen Titans Go!, I can’t help but think about other cartoons I’ve loved and laughed at. Cartoons like Recess, SpongeBob, or Kim Possible. Cartoons that can be amusing to kids, but provide an even greater level of humor for an adult.

Each episode of Teen Titan’s Go! is ten minutes long, which is great. Less drag, more focus, and a faster pace. There aren’t really any overarching stories over the season nor are there really any themes and morals. Its just fun and hilarity, childish and amusing.

What is noteworthy are the voice actors. They clearly have mastered playing their respective characters, be it through their performances in the prior Teen Titans cartoon (which was more serious) or the ample voice acting experience they all possess (check their pages, very impressive). Each character has their time in the sun and are given plenty of hilarious lines.

Also noteworthy: references. For example, one episode involved a giant robot clearly referencing the Power Rangers. They even used the actual Power Rangers melody. Actually, Batman and Aquaman even make small appearances despite DC’s heavy embargoes. I think its because of the comedic nature of the show, but I still appreciated they actual depictions nonetheless.

Additionally, the music selection used/written for this show is fantastic. Nice one whoever writes/picks the music.

8.5/10 If you want something funny and lighthearted to watch, can’t go wrong with this. Watch the clip above if you’re unsure this is your cup of tea. I have no idea what the showrunners are smoking, but there are some episodes that were clearly written under the influence of something.