Comic Book Reviews: November 9, 2016

I’ve decided that instead of writing a bunch of individual posts, I’m just going to write a short review for each comic book released today. Less clutter. I read a number of things last week, but since it’s already been a week, I’ll only bring up two.


All Star Batman (2016) #4

Official site is

Batman continues his quest to get Two Face to the house. It was cool to see the Court of Owls take part. This whole series has been a showcase of the bad guys in the DC Universe. Romita’s art is fine and his art combined with the final panels definitely reminded me of Millar’s Kick-Ass.

Score: 6.5/10


Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1

Official site is

So something happened to Tony Stark at the end of Civil War II, we don’t know what, but he’s gone. Riri Williams, a black girl from Chicago, is a young genius who’s built here own suit of armor. It’s just a first issue so not much is going on, but it looks promising. I also enjoyed Caselli’s art. The last time I saw his art was in Secret Warriors.

Score: 5/10