Anime Review: Dragon Ball Super, Episodes 120 to 131

Details: The series just ended and is going on hiatus after episode 131, which aired in 2018.

Dragon Ball Super is unadulterated fan service. I know that and yet I don’t care. I love Dragon Ball. For those who are not as biased as me, I know that Dragon Ball looks really fucking stupid. I will admit, the story is pretty crap. I just don’t care. Dragon Ball Super gave me exactly what I wanted. It gave me fight scenes that were incredibly well animated and it gave me shiny new super saiyan forms embodied in different hair colors. For me, that is enough.

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Anime Review: Dragon Ball Super

Details: First started airing in 2015 and is still airing. There are currently one hundred and nineteen episodes. Each episode is a little over twenty minutes long.

Like many other children at the time, I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z. I used to wake up early every morning at around six, turn the volume real low and watch about thirty minutes of posturing and cartoon characters yelling at the top of their lungs. Dragon Ball Z was an integral part of my youth, which is why seeing it started up again in this most recent incarnation (and retconning all of Dragon Ball GT away) made me really excited. After watching over a hundred episodes of the show, I am happy to say that Dragon Ball Super is maintains the action and entertainment of Dragon Ball Z while reaching new levels of fan service.

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