Movie Review: Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice

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I really don’t like Zack Snyder movies. The only thing he’s ever done that I actually liked was 300 ( and I didn’t really like it all that much. Somehow, Hollywood has decided that Snyder is a comic book movie director. In my view, his name belongs in the same category as M. Night Shyamalan; Snyder is a director who regularly makes disappointing movies and I wish studios would stop funding him.

Superman v. Batman is his latest film and while it isn’t terrible, it certainly isn’t great. With the exception of some pretty good action scenes, the movie falls flat. Every time I watch a Snyder movie, I’m reminded that he does not know how to direct a decent plot. In fact, I’m not sure he knows what a plot is. He just needs an excuse for people to fight and film some pretty entertaining fight scenes. If anything, Snyder should just be a stunt of action director.

If I had to sum up the entirety of the movie, it’s prequel to the justice league. It’s entire purpose is to set up the justice league movies. It introduces the other characters and hints at the conflict to come.

Score: 5.4/10 Please stop letting Snyder direct these things. You will only achieve mediocrity with him.

Movie Review: The Man From U.N.C.L.E (2015)

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is a standard spy movie with some action, though no big set pieces. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Cavill is a one dimensional, suave character, like due to a directorial choice. Hammer was a weird Russian accent, but has a slightly more complex character. Vikander’s performance is about as good as Hammer, which isn’t going to win an Oscar.

Score: 5.8/10 It tries to be clever and it tries to be fun. For a thinly written film, it is pretty fun. Nothing too deep here, just a fun movie perfect for a weekend night spent inside.