Movie Review: John Wick: Chapter 2

Details: Released in 2017. About two hours long. Stars Keanu Reeves.

I loved the first John Wick movie. I just didn’t expect the amount of incredibly well choreographed action nor the relative realism that the movie had. Accordingly, John Wick 2 is perhaps one of the only movies I was truly looking forward to this year.

The movie takes place about a day after the end of the last movie. John has gotten his revenge, his car, and a new dog and seeks to retire again, when a person from John’s past as a hitman returns to call in a favor. Now John must dive back into his old life of murder and death in order to free himself of the obligations held against him.

If you came to this movie for the story, you will be disappointed. This is an action movie. This is gun porn, knife porn, jiu-jitsu porn, car porn, and just action movie porn. There are few movies where you get to hear the audience gasp with you as incredibly fun, violent things happen on-screen. This is one of those movies. Lots of gasp inducing things happen that I won’t spoil.

Acting was fine, but definitely no Academy Awards here. It was nice to see Laurence Fishburne make an appearance and see The Matrix crew reunite, even if it was for only a little bit.

Overall, I may have enjoyed the first John Wick movie more, but I still enjoyed this movie nonetheless. Like the first film, this movie knows what it is and achieves what it sets out to do. If you are a fan of action movies, then you should watch this movie.

Score: 7/10

Movie News! New John Wick: Chapter 2 Teaser Trailer and More News From NYCC


I was a huge fan of the first movie. Like many, I did not walk in with any preconceptions and I walked out ecstatic with a big smile on my face. The new trailer above has me electric again and I cannot wait until it’s release date on February 10, 2017.

I watched through the New York Comic Con panel where they revealed this trailer and here are some bullet points of new information they revealed on the movie:

  • The panel consisted of the writer, director, and stunt coordinator (I think, the directors in this movie might also be the stunt coordinators), Keanu Reeves, Ian McShane, and Common.
  • As I said above, the official release date they mentioned was for February 10, 2017. No new John Wick until next year unfortunately.
  • When discussing what the movie is like, Reeves described the movie as similar to the first film, but with more.
  • A quick consolidation of narrative tidbits they disclosed: the movie takes place four days after the events of the first John Wick movie. In order to retire, John Wick needed to make a blood oath with someone so he could leave the killing business. Now that he has returned, the blood oath is called in and he need to suit up again.
  • Keanu mentioned that more of the assassin’s world that John Wick inhabits will be shown, but not too much. He also mentioned an organization called the “High Table.”
  • Common plays another assassin. They made it clear that he wasn’t necessarily an enemy, but a fellow assassin who disagrees with John Wick. As you can tell from the trailer, they have a fight scene.
  • According to Common, this is the highest tier of action movie he has ever made.
  • As was previously revealed, Laurence Fishburne will make an appearance. Reeves, Fishburne, and the director (I think) worked on the Matrix trilogies together so it was kind of a reunion for them.
  • Some of the training they went through includes more stuff with cars, “gun fu,” jiu jitsu, and sambo.
  • When asked about what will happen to John Wick’s new dog, the panel was very quiet about it… suggesting that the audience will like what happens there. The crowded gasped at the idea of another dog dying.

And that’s all I can remember. Can’t wait until next year!