TV Show Review: Arrow, Season 5

Details: Airs on the CW. Twenty-three episodes this season at an hour a piece, including commercials.

At this point in my life, if there’s a superhero in the show, I will watch it. I can’t help it. I just like superhero stuff and I’m too curious to do otherwise. So after the last season of Arrow, I wasn’t expecting much this season. I didn’t enjoy the last season. Fortunately, while this season does make a few of the same narrative mistakes as last season, I generally enjoyed it.

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TV Show Review: Samurai Jack, Season 5

Details: Aired on Cartoon Network. Ten episodes this season at about thirty minutes per episode, including commercials.

After at least ten years, Samurai Jack has finally ended. With shows that have been around this long, there are a lot of memories associated with this series as well as nostalgia. Ultimately, I think they did the ending right, though it did feel a little rushed.

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TV Show Review: Suits (2011) Season Five, Episode Three

Details: Airs on USA Network.

When I write a post about something, there generally needs to be something noteworthy about it. For example, True Detective was not a noteworthy episode this weeks. Nothing stood out about it in my mind. Suits however, had a lot about it that stuck out to me.

Most noteworthy in this episode was Harvey’s anxiety. Through out the seasons, Harvey has gone through uncountable obstacles and stress and he has persevered and proven himself this unstoppable force of an attorney. This season, the stresses keep coming and we finally get to see the chinks in his armor. Harvey is still human no matter how hard he tries to repress that and with Donna leaving, Harvey is forced to face his inner demons and insecurities. It’s great television and it usually is when writers shows us the contrasting weakness in an otherwise strong character.

Other than Harvey, there was a lot of love about this episode. All my favorite Suits elements were there: dramatic walking, domination of opposing counsel, jokes between characters, and heart/bonding/reconciliation between characters. They even avoided bringing up Mike’s secret as they do every season, which I appreciate. I’m still crossing my fingers that they do not create a plot line with Mike’s secret as I hate seeing that annoying plot line every season. It’s done guys, just let Mike practice law. I get it, Mike’s a fraud. I don’t care. Just get on with the story.

Score: 7/10

TV Show Review: Suits (2011) Season Five Episodes One and Two

After these last four seasons, I’ve figured out what I love most about Suits. I love scenes with Lewis and Donna. I love the humor. I enjoy watching Jessica mentor, protect, and smack down the rest of the cast. I enjoy some legal drama, but that isn’t the core of this show to me. I love these characters and how they interact. They’re a family; a work family and what I love about suits is about watching the drama between such close coworkers.

What I don’t like about Suits was the whole Mike conflict where every episode someone was going to figure out Mike didn’t go to law school. It was an interesting idea for the pilot, but after four seasons you’re just beating a dead horse. I’m very glad they left that plot line behind. I also tire of seeing the predictable cheating/love triangle that every piece of mainstream entertainment includes just for the heck of it. Love triangles are predictable, derivative, and — in my opinion — just muscle memory for writer to include into a story line. I don’t enjoy them and I’m very happy they left that stuff behind. The closest thing to cheating and breaking up is Donna going to Lewis and I love that plot line.

I feel this season is finally the season that gets it exactly right. These first two episode leave out all the crap from the other seasons I did not enjoy and gets right to what I love: the legal work drama, the humor and the heart of the characters. Harvey and Lewis fight like brothers. Donna and Harvey are not lovers nor are they brother and sister, but the separation is still poignant. A little legal jargon is welcome, but it doesn’t need to be an existential crisis each and every time. Mike is with Rachel and everything is fine… for now. I hope it stay that way. Leave cheap love triangle plot devices out. Discussion of prenuptial agreements is fine and apt for a legal drama. More jokes are great and I love any scenes with Lewis and Donna.

Score: 7/10 Great opening. Had everything I loved about Suits in these opening episodes. Looking forward to the rest of the season.