Anime Review: Dragon Ball Super, Episodes 120 to 131

Details: The series just ended and is going on hiatus after episode 131, which aired in 2018.

Dragon Ball Super is unadulterated fan service. I know that and yet I don’t care. I love Dragon Ball. For those who are not as biased as me, I know that Dragon Ball looks really fucking stupid. I will admit, the story is pretty crap. I just don’t care. Dragon Ball Super gave me exactly what I wanted. It gave me fight scenes that were incredibly well animated and it gave me shiny new super saiyan forms embodied in different hair colors. For me, that is enough.

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Anime Review: Akagi


Details: Also known as Tōhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai. First aired in 2005. Twenty-six episodes with each episode at a little under twenty-five minutes.

I was looking for an anime about gambling the other day and came across an article about a manga that had been notoriously in the same continuous story arc since around 1999. This manga was called Akagi and had just ended recently. After a quick search, I found an anime for it on and started watching through it.

It’s been a while since I’ve been so immersed and addicted to a series. I binged watch the whole thing in one sitting and, though mostly enjoyable, found myself extremely sad at the unfinished ending. As mentioned above, this series only recently finished the same story arc that had been going on for the last twenty years. The anime simply didn’t have an ending with which to end on. Even still, I can easily recommend this series to most anime fans.

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Anime Review: Gintama, Episodes 1-125

Details: This is a review of episodes one through one hundred and twenty-five. Originally released in 2006, but is still airing new episodes. There is confusion in how the seasons are divided as Wikipedia lists one thing and lists something else. Each episode is little over twenty minutes long, like with most thirty minute long anime.

Along with One Piece, Gintama is one of the longest running anime that is still currently airing new episodes. I tried to like this show and to watch the over three hundred episodes of Gintama. Unfortunately, the lack of an overarching story as well as the tiring slapstick humor drained my interest. I only got as far as episode one hundred and twenty-five before giving up on this show.

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Anime Review: Dragon Ball Super

Details: First started airing in 2015 and is still airing. There are currently one hundred and nineteen episodes. Each episode is a little over twenty minutes long.

Like many other children at the time, I grew up watching Dragon Ball Z. I used to wake up early every morning at around six, turn the volume real low and watch about thirty minutes of posturing and cartoon characters yelling at the top of their lungs. Dragon Ball Z was an integral part of my youth, which is why seeing it started up again in this most recent incarnation (and retconning all of Dragon Ball GT away) made me really excited. After watching over a hundred episodes of the show, I am happy to say that Dragon Ball Super is maintains the action and entertainment of Dragon Ball Z while reaching new levels of fan service.

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Anime Review: Naruto Shippuden Episodes 469 through 479

It’s that time again. The fillers are over and Naruto has returned to tell the main story line. It is egregiously insulting the number of fillers that Naruto has. There are hundreds of episode of filler for every couple main story arc episodes and it is just painful to watch. Every time I try to get into this show, I get rebuffed and horrified by the uninteresting, painfully boring fillers this shows comes up with. I want to quit this show.

The only problem with that is that the episodes that are not filler, are fucking amazing. Take these last ten episodes for instance. They were so freaking good. The action, the animation, the emotion, and the music. Gosh, the quality of these episode only help show how shitty the fillers are.

And the music, my goodness. There are just some songs that Naruto has that whenever they are played, I just get choked up. It’s not even fair. I hear the notes, then the tears come. Sigh. Why do the fillers have to suck so bad.

In case you’re not caught up, Naruto and Sasuke have to save the world from some world ending villain. That’s all well and good and provides closure for Obito. The real conclusion comes after they save the world and they find out Sasuke is still an evil jerk. Since Naruto and Sasuke are the only two conscious people with god like ninja powers, they go off to fight their final battle and settle up the conflict they’ve had this entire series.

Since this is the final battle, you must know that the animation is top quality for this fight scene. It’s literally two episodes of action, mixed with tears as we take a look back at the history of the characters and of the series as a whole. It’s hard to believe I first watched Naruto around a decade ago. The makers of this show are well aware that the fans have stuck through this series for years and take us back to old, nostalgic, sad, and happy moments in the series.

With that said, Sakura is still mostly useless. Sasuke’s motivations for his actions are still stupid. It’s mainly Naruto that makes the most sense and is the most moving part of these episodes.

Score: 8/10 Loved these episodes. Glad I skipped all the stupid ass filler that came before. After checking the preview for episode 480, it looks like a bunch more fillers are coming. I’m going to go right back to ignoring those episode until the primary story arc returns, which will likely be the end of the series.