Comic Book Review: Superman (2016) #10

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For years now, DC Comics has tried to reproduce the youthfulness and success of the old Teen Titans stories with debatable results. In my opinion, the primary attraction towards those stories was watching a group of teenage, sidekicks as they come of age and try to fulfill their potential. The Teen Titans was a superhero story for teenage readers to relate to. Reading Superman #10 then, was in many ways a revelation. For the first time in a long time, I got that same feeling I had when I read the old Teen Titans books. I felt that youthfulness of young heroes trying to grow up and be heroes while having fun at the same time.

In this book, Damian Wayne, the current Robin finally meets with the new Superboy, the son of the new Superman, and fisticuffs and hilarity ensue. What’s striking is how Superboy and Robin are very clearly characterized. Superboy is a humble, good natured little boy raised by loving parents who’ve tried to teach him responsibility. Robin has spent the majority of his young life training with ninja assassins and Batman. Robin’s even died and come back to life already. Robin is also incredibly arrogant and condescending; he’s a little jerk.

It’s surprising then, how much chemistry the two characters have. They don’t really get along right now, and yet it’s not hard to see how they would. There’s a camaraderie in their childishness and it’s tons of fun to watch. In fact, this new Superboy and Robin could easily form the core of a new generation of Teen Titans and spawn a whole host of stories I would love to read. I hope you’re listening DC, these two characters need their own book and maybe a few more young superheroes to join their team.

In regards to the art, anyone whose been following DC Comics should be familiar with Tomasi’s style. It’s cartoony and fluid, which perfectly suits this book.

Score: 7/10 A fun starting point to what will hopefully be a whole bunch of stories starring Robin and Superboy.