Movie Review: The Greatest Showman

Details: Released in 2017. About an hour and forty-five minutes long. Stars Hugh JackmanMichelle WilliamsZac Efron. Songs by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.

If you look up The Greatest Showman on, you’ll find that it scored a 55% from critics while it scored an 89% from non-critic reviewers. And that’s a pretty accurate description of the movie. Technically speaking, The Greatest Showman is a mess. It’s got a flimsy plot and a nonsensical, historically inaccurate story. The segues from dialogue into music are often jarring. However, despite this movie being very fluffy and cheesy, in light of the divisiveness going right now in America, The Greatest Showman had exactly the kind of music, message, and themes that I needed to see. I enjoyed The Greatest Showman quite a bit.

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