Anime Review: Akagi


Details: Also known as Tōhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai. First aired in 2005. Twenty-six episodes with each episode at a little under twenty-five minutes.

I was looking for an anime about gambling the other day and came across an article about a manga that had been notoriously in the same continuous story arc since around 1999. This manga was called Akagi and had just ended recently. After a quick search, I found an anime for it on and started watching through it.

It’s been a while since I’ve been so immersed and addicted to a series. I binged watch the whole thing in one sitting and, though mostly enjoyable, found myself extremely sad at the unfinished ending. As mentioned above, this series only recently finished the same story arc that had been going on for the last twenty years. The anime simply didn’t have an ending with which to end on. Even still, I can easily recommend this series to most anime fans.

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