Restaurant Review: Zero Otto Nove Trattoria

Details: Located at 15 W 21 Street, New York, NY 10010. The official site is

Came here with a group. We ordered a number of things. Worth mentioning is that one of us was a level 9000 vegan who can’t eat a lot of things, found the Napoletana (pizza with tomato sauce, garlic, basil & oregano, no cheese) acceptable. One of us was a pescetarian (only eats seafood) and found the La Cirilo (butternut squash puree, cream of truffle, mushrooms and mozzarella) pretty good.

I had the Linguini al Nero di Seppia (linguine with cuttlefish sautéed with garlic, oil, & black squid ink) which cost about $25. It was pretty good, although I’ve had better squid ink pasta elsewhere for around the same price or less. I had something for dessert which was layers of pastry with cream in between, topped with strawberries. It was square-shaped. It cost eight dollars. I don’t remember the name, but it was really good. It was so good in fact, that I only got to eat a few bites because the rest of my group ate the rest. I think it was the second one from the top of the dessert menu.

The service was great. It was one of those places where you could tell the boss told the servers to make sure everyone has water because they refilled our glasses like clockwork.

The place is pretty large and dimly lit. I don’t really have a problem with this restaurant’s dim lighting, but with dim lighting in general. Sometimes, it pacifies me and puts me to sleep. This was one of those times.

This was a pretty good place, although a little pricier than most Italian places. Is the pasta I had here better than Eataly? Nope. It was still pretty good. That dessert was also pretty awesome and I recommend it if you can find it.

Score: 6.9/10